Thursday, December 7, 2006

Cause of crash determined

The pilot who was injured is in stable condition and has given an explanation of the cause of the crash to the military. After further investigation of the wreckage, it has been confirmed that the cause of the crash was completely mechanical.

The wing elevators that control the up and down motion of the plane failed to respond. The pilot was able to contact Forbes Field of a malfunction, but was unable to control the plane to a safe landing. Forbes field is located 7.5 miles away from the Washburn campus.

Because there were several hundred injuries caused from the crash, Washburn University will be holding a blood drive next week to help the local blood banks and hospitals. All blood types are needed and everyone who is able is encouraged to donate blood. The blood drive will take place this coming Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Memorial Union.

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